Ed Clock and his son were here hunting with Pat Fisher of Fisher Outfitters and came out for a day with us after shooting 2 nice goats. We went off shore and looked for the dolphin pods and could find them all morning. About 11:00 we had a blind strike on a big tuna that exploded on our stinger lure a Polu Kai Rocketman Jet. It missed it leaving a giant hole as Matt and I stood there wondering how it missed the lure. We continued looking with a few other boats for the dolphins and got another bite on the long rigger on our 7 inch Polu Kai Rocketman jet. We caught this one this time and it turned out to be a 100 pound ahi. What luck 2 blind bites on tuna in the same day early season. We found a spread out pod of dolphins and worked them until they came together and caught a 165 pounder on the tuna stick. It was a great bite jumping out of the water to catch the skipping squids. We ended our day missing a marlin and catching a nice ono on the way home. It turned out to be a great combo hunt and fish for the Clocks.