About 10:00 Jessica got her turn in the chair. Her fish came up on the short teaser and followed it all the way to the transom. I took it away and watched it go over to the short lure. I picked up my camera and got some shots of the fish eating the lure. It missed and missed and finally we took the big lure away from it and let it drop back to the smaller lures on the riggers. The fish lined up on the small blackĀ Polu Kai tube and took a try at it. The lure dove under and I feared the fish would go away. It charged in and ate the lure and we were on again. The fish fought hard and deep and never gave Jessica any easy line. She had to go to low gear and inch the fish up from a 350 yard dive it took. The tried fish finally came to the surface after an hour fight making it 2 nice fish in one day thanks to lady luck.