Shields Day 2 Bananas?

img_3741Day 2 of Chris and Callie’s trip started with the smell of bananas. I smelled it and as if I was shot in the chest I said,”You know bananas are bad luck.” Chris almost choked on his third bite and quickly ran the peals to the dumpster. With the 3 bites down the hatch we had to see if the old Hawaiian superstition was true. We got down south to the area we caught our fish on day 1 and caught Callie a fish right away. What a fish. A small blue that jumped and jumped and jumped. Chris got some great pictures of it in the calm Kona waters. It was back to Chris’s turn right away and I had already forgotten about the bananas. We lost 6 fish from a 150 to 500 plus pounds the rest of the day every way known to man. About the time the 5 th one jumped off I remembered not to mess with that one. Bananas stay home next time. Even though it really doesn’t matter weather you bring bananas I wouldn’t chance it. Great to fish with Chris and Callie again.The photos they took with their D 700 Nikon are incredible.