Ed Grace got this nice fish early to round off a great trip. 4 blues in 2 days. While I was in the air to Florida Rob and Tracy trolled their way to the grounds where we had the action yesterday and before they could get there they had a great bite on the long corner. We had been running our summer pattern and had been trolling over fish and not getting them to come up. We worked hard on the pattern all week and finally Tracy found what they wanted. Our friends had been doing on the purple wide range softhead and he was able to make the change and got this nice one to bite. A lot of the time it is east to get stuck in our ways and keep the lures out the same everyday saying “We just have to run over a hungry one’. The hardest is to make the changes needed to get the bite. If we never tried new things all the time we would have never come this far. Making the adjustments is key. In this case it paid off with a nice one. Unfortunately the fish died and didn’t survive. It was donated on shore to a local charity.