Rick gets a Mufflon Cross

IMG_0322This morning we found the sheep coming down from the top. They were headed straight makai and it showed me that I was too early the day before. Our timing today was just right. We were running a little late and it proved to be a blessing. We saw a few coming down and a few turned into a bunch in a short time. We hiked into where I though they were headed and we waited for them to come down. It turned out to be a situation where we were too close to them and we didn’t get to look at them long. We had 5 big rams in our range the smallest right at our feet at 12 yards. A little lamb jumped up on a rock at 5 yards and had to run off. The sheep got restless and we had to decide which of the 5 we were going to take. It was a harder shot for Rick but he had to twist around to make the shot but took this nice mufflon black hawaiian cross. The other sheep we passed on were nice but they are still there for next time.