Tday Chip Van Mols and I took out the Noklby Family for a day fishing on the 40 foot Gamefisherman. We had a long day of trolling until we saw a really nice fish come to the short bait. It came up all over the lure and didn’t bite. It looked well over 500 but it was hard to tell how much over it was. Big bill and big dorsal all over the lure. We waited for a bit and nothing. We turned around on the fish and and I never could raise the fish again. We worked the area outside the grounds for awhile with no action. As our day came close to an end we trolled back south to the harbor where we had a fish about 300 blow up on the long corner. We had about 300 yards of line out at one point and got it all back after 40 jumps. It seemed the fish was ours at that point it simply came with no trouble when the hook pulled. Great afternoon and had one close but it came 3 minutes away from getting a tag in it. I guess we got the best part of that one.