Ralph Cunningham hunts the Big Island

Ralph Cunningham Came to hunt Black Hawaiian Sheep and Spanish goats with us here on the Big Island. We started with the Sheep up on Mauna Loa early in the morning. We were lucky to find a bachelor herd of Rams and looking at the 3 rams the ram on the left was a classic Black Hawaiian with a black face which Ralph was looking for. The other 2 ram were nice but had white spots on their faces so we took the black faced ram. By 7:00 am we were headed south to hunt goats. By the time we got there the goats weren’t moving. With the severe drought the goats aren’t moving as long. We waited until 3:30 when they started moving again and after a good stalk we shot this billy. We got him under a canopy of trees that was like a tunnel. It was really cool.