Today the Capitolas shared a close call with us today. We decided to go south to Milolii and trolled down they inside run. We had a giant hole on the stinger and what I thought might be a Ahi turned into a nice Marlin. After two thirds of the spool got out on us we started to gain line. The fish did a bunch of weird moves under the water and we thought we lost the fish 3 times. As the fish neared the boat things looked good. The fish was settling down and we were looking like we were going to get a shot at the fish and we pulled the hook. We got set back out and headed south. We ended up at the far buoy TT and although it looked great we headed back north to check B buoy. As we trolled up to the buoy we raised a small fish and missed it right away. We trolled up to the buoy after the strike and I marked a few big tuna on the screen. I was thinking about changing over to live bait when the long rigger took off and a fish close to 300 jumped. What a way to change over. Let’s catch this fish and put some baits out. We snuck up on the fish turn and chasing. It neared the boat in minutes and the leader came up. We reversed up to the fish and Matt got the leader. The fish jumped on the leader and stood straight up in the air. Matt went to let got and the fish tipped over on his back. I yelled”Look Out!” and in a second Matt ducked under the rod and the fish jumped across the corner of the boat and landed on the covering board. The head and bill of the Marlin was over the side. It laid there for a second and kicked Matt in the back as it slid into the water. No one got hurt. We stood there in shock for a second before we continued to fight the fish. We tagged it safely and really feel happy everyone was safe.