Dennis Get His Ram

Here you see Dennis Gutman With a nice ram we got. We went out in the afternoon and found the sheep working their way back up to their evening range. We got on them right away but couldn’t find a sheep big enough. As the afternoon went on we saw more and more sheep but …

The Rut Begins

Roy Carlson and I had time to scout after he got his Black Hawaiian Ram so we looked for herds and had found good herds of sheep. Here you see a young ram who seemed to be the biggest ram of this herd chasing this ewe getting ready make new years lambs. We were able …

Boat Work Begins-Stripping Varnish

  Today I started working on the boat. I started off slow by stripping the interior varnish. It was in pretty nice shape but was on the verge so I decided to strip the varnish entirely instead of trying to patch it here and there. It seemed at the start like I could bang it …

A Halloween Birthday

The Bergstedt family fished with us today on Halloween. It was Sharon’s birthday and we had a good day at sea to celebrate. We trolled down to the dolphins and fished the tuna stick most of the day. It was poor timing for the traffic. There were a lot of boats there which made it …

Day 5 and 6 of Spearfish Impossible

We had a nice couple of days of fishing focused on our goal. A spearfish. By this time word had spread of our quest. Everyone in the fleet was helping us try to find one but they weren’t  to be found. At 2:30 in the afternoon on our last day we hooked another nice Blue …

Day 4 Spearfish Impossible

We hunted and hunted for spears and found that they really are rare billfish especially in Oct. It was a tough thing to do but we kept fishing hoping for the luck that Sandra has in fishing. She has caught a lifetime of billfish in a short time. Her accomplishment over the last 35 days …

Mission Impossible

We got called on for what I call now mission impossible. Sandra Hiler in Indiana called to charter the Northern Lights to catch her two of the 9 billfish species she needed to complete her slam of billfish. I assumed we would start the first week of February or so to start trying. I suggested …