June 2008 – Ika shibi


June of 2008 was a month to remember for night fishing.  When Tracy and I weren’t taking charters on the Northern Lights we were fishing nights on Kulia my 29 foot Radon.  In the 16 days we fished in June we caught 33 ahi.  The lions share of these fish came at night.  One such night Tracy and I set up down south and before we could even finish our dinners one of our lines blasted off.  We started the night with an 80 pound Big eye tuna followed by three more in the same size range.  Things settled down just long enough for us to finish our shoyu chicken when a 400 plus pound thresher ate the shallow line.  After releasing the shark the big eyes showed back up and we managed to catch a few more.  In the midst of the big eye rush a large and extremely sought after swordfish fish took one of our handlines for a ride.  After a hard fight Tracy popped the fish to the surface where we made quick work of him with the trusty hand gun.  The sword would end up weighing in at 220 pounds, which for kona is a nice fish.  We ended up catching 9 big eyes in total as well as catching four big ahi in the gray light of morning.  Most likely this night will go down as one of my best of all time.  The few pictures we have aren’t really enough, unfortunately we don’t usually take pictures of our catches on the Radon.
