Tailing Swordfish

Today Matt and I took his girlfriend Laura out for the day. We jumped off a fish over 500 and continued to work the area. On a tack in from the outside our friends hooked a small fish and we went to watch and take pictures. As we approached they started yelling there was another fish there about 400 following the fish they had on. They released the small fish and we circled around there trying to get the partner to bite. As we gave up on that fish I looked inshore and saw a small swordfish on the surface. We baited it with a live bait and had it actually look at the bait. After a number of attempts we borrowed a harpoon and tried to harpoon the fish. It turned out that we lost site of the small one and had one 250 show up in our sites. We lost it a couple times and had friends on the Bad Company find one time. We got close to it but with no bow rail or plank we didn’t get a chance. It is very rare to see the swords on the surface like that. It was a beautiful fish and as we approached the fish it would light up and squirt away just out of range.