The David family has has had a great trip and it was going to be their last day of fishing before Jimmy went back to run his charter boat the Land H and the kids James and Laurel would start school. As we ate dinner we agreed that it had been a great trip and whatever we could do today would be great. Their last day would be great weather we caught anything or not and we were in the great position ofnot really needing to nail ‘e to save the trip on the last day. Mat had the 37 out with another guest and the Davids and I took the 40. Jimmy would wire and the family would help do the rest. We found a nest of fish to the south that turned out to be one of the best trolling bites of the summer. We hooked a big fish right away and James had the first shot in the chair. The fish was a nice fish but didn’t get a great look at the fish. It pulled hard and James had the drag up to 40 pounds before we knew it. We got the fish close in a half and hour and it pulled so hard Jimmy began to help James hold the pressure when I would make the fish pull to wear it down. Jimmy got the leader finally and we had a satalite tag ready to tag the fish with.I had been waiting for a big fish to use the tag on to see where the big ones go. Perfect here it was right there. The fish had fought so hard it rolled on to its back and we could revive it. She had died. We sslid the fish in the door and James would be able to get a weight on his bioggest blue and the fish would get to be eaten. We set the line out and saw a fish feeding next to the boat and 20 minutes later Debi caught a 120 pounder. We worked the area and found more fish on the surface anf on the sounder. We found Debbi in the chair again and I looked down and James had his gloves on. It looked like Jimmy was going to let James wire his first blue. He had practiced the whole trip with Mat with the teaser line and the bucket. We came up with a saftey plan and as the fish came to the boat we saw that it was in control and would be perfect for James. He did a great job and all the practice paid off. I was worried about what would happen when Jimmy put the satalite tag in it but when the tag when in the fish surged forward and James leaned back and held the fish under control. It was safely released and we had the 3rd one of the day. I was a great way to finish up our victory lap.