Rob Ellyn and I went to Florida to look at boats and got in a swordfish trip with good friends at L and H Sportfishing. We didn’t think we were going to have time but in the end got out to try for Rob’s first swordfish. We met up with Debbi David and their kids …

Getting the hooks in a 220 blue marlin

After a successful ram hunt the day before Jerry topped off his trip with us by catching a 220 blue marlin. We missed two spearfish a stripped marlin and another blue marlin before finally getting the hooks in one. (Originally posted on February 16, 2009)

Hal Westbrook’s early blue

Hal Westbrook caught this blue early in the morning outside of an area we call the grounds.  After a great show close to the boat we released the fish as we do with 99 percent of them we catch.  Shortly after catching the marlin we had a series of stripped marlin attacks but weren’t able …

T.A.R.T. Tournament

This year was the  eighteenth annual TART tournament.  Ken Corday has been hosting the tournament since its beginning.  Five boats including the Ihu Nui, Chiripa, Humdinger, Pacific Blue and the Northern Lights competed for five days to accumulate the most points for catching blue marlin.  Every fish tagged is worth points, and a fish over …