Mate Appreciation Day

I woke up early and decided to go fishing. I had not gotten in touch with anyone the night before and decided at the last minute I would go and fish alone like I used to all the time. I ran out to the dolphin pod and trolled them until they came together. There weren’t many marks on my sounder but when they came together I put out the tuna stick and hooked a tuna right away. 2 other boats hooked up at that time the bite was on. I fought the fish to the boat in about 5 minutes and it came to leader. I got the leader like we always do and the tuna circled below. I took my final wraps on the leader and reached over the side with my gaff and right when I was going to gaff it the hook came out. Just like that my first chance was gone. I fished the pod all day and watched as other boats caught a few more fish. at 4:00 that lost fish started to sting. I thought to myself I guess I could high speed home and try to catch a marlin. I pulled in my rig and threw the lures out and got the Northern Lights up to 13 knots. I had 2 small marlin on all the way to the boat and before I could tag them they jumped off. Had one of my boys been there We would have tagged them both. Guys- heres to you and all you do for that  advantage of team work you give me to catch all of those almost catches. Great day of fishing, fun and a little more challenging.