Today Larry Goldstein caught his spear on the way to his billfish slam. Having fished all over the world he has caught the world’s billfish species and got his spearfish here in Kona on the Northern Lights. It has been a great year for spears for us this year. They trickle in and we have been getting them more than usual.   We got off to a great start with this small blue before 8 am. we went to the dolphins where we caught a 140 pounder and a 90 pounder. Late we had 2 blues up at once and had a 3rd get hooked up. We struck out on the first 2 blues that were up and had the 3 rd end up being a spear. The odds of having 2 for sure blues up at the same time then hooking a 3rd and having it be a spear crazy luck. Great guy great fishing !